Wilson speaks at coming out rally

Kathleen Carlson

Jonathan Wilson, an attorney and former Des Moines school board member, said at the National Coming Out Week opening ceremonies yesterday that the only way to freedom is to recognize all people.

Wilson served on the Des Moines school board for 12 years, including three terms as president and two as vice president, but was not re-elected after announcing he is gay. Wilson was also the focus of a story in the New York Times yesterday.

Wilson, the keynote speaker for the event, said mothers “are notorious in protecting their cubs.” Meaning, Wilson said, parents are sometimes irrational about their kids.

Accordingly, when Wilson “came out” to his parents, he said a “fire storm” was started.

Wednesday was National Coming Out Day, and Wilson encouraged those who are gay, lesbian or bisexual to “come out” to their family and friends. He said a parent who rejects a child’s “coming out,” engages in an unnatural act. Wilson said he made public his sexual orientation to set an example in an effort to disprove the radical right. He said some people have a false perception that with gay school board members in office, children will somehow become corrupt.

It is important for people to “come out,” Wilson said, and educate others who are ignorant about gay rights.

“We’ve got trouble,” Wilson said, quoting the Music Man. “Trouble starts with ‘T’ and that rhymes with ‘G’ and that stands for ‘Gay.’ The right wing conservatives are trying to make a fast buck. They’re selling a lie in Iowa by saying kids are at risk,” Wilson said.

“They are more concerned with who we lie down with than who we stand up with,” Wilson added.

That, he said, is wrong.

“Tolerance produces peace … we should educate families in name of family values,” Wilson said.