Child facilities at stadium required

Sonya L. Weber

To the Editor:

My husband and I are season football ticket holders since attending ISU in the late 80s and early 90s. Almost two years ago we had a baby boy, who loves to watch football. This year we decided it would be fun to take him to a couple games.

We went to the UNLV game last weekend. Upon entering the gate, we were asked for a ticket for our son. We explained that he was only one-and-a-half-years-old and would not be taking up a seat. We were told “Anyone going through the gate needs a ticket.” We purchased a ticket at full price (there is no reduction for children).

My problem is, if I am expected to pay full price for a toddler, then I demand proper facilities for that child! I walked halfway around the stadium and was unable to find a changing table. I do not feel that having bathrooms equipped with changing tables is unreasonable. I would like a response as soon as possible.

Sonya L. Weber

Eagle Grove, IA