End debate, Part II

Mike Backstrom

To the Editor:

I’ll have to say I am a little troubled. I picked up the Daily (last) Friday and found another (letter) stating verse and line where the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong.

This is the last word on that subject. It is time to move on. Both sides of this debate have given interesting arguments. However, I will offer a third party viewpoint to this debate.

1. Not everyone reads the Bible and the Bible is not the absolute truth.

2. Not everyone is a Christian.

3. Christians assume that Christianity is the absolute and that all people should be held to Christian morals. This is egocentric. What is right for you is not right for all.

4. People who are most opposed to a behavior are those who were most likely to engage in that behavior. This is not to imply that previous authors are latent homosexuals. This is to show that from a purely psychological standpoint, those people whom are vehemently anti-gay, anti-abortion or anti-smoking are most likely people who have engaged in, or tempted by, those behaviors.

Truth is relative to the individual. We relate to the absolute in an individual, or subjective, way. There is right and wrong, but mostly there is just difference.

I am not saying that the Christians should shelve their morals to appreciate difference and I am not saying that homosexuals should demand that appreciation. Conflict is a basic social process and the most both groups will be able to do is agree to disagree.

So, let’s do that and change the subject.

Mike Backstrom

