Tasteless ad war

Editorial Board

What’s legal and what’s tasteful are often two different things. This happens to be exactly the case in an ad war that’s being waged by two local pizza establishments.

While many businesses have been sucked into this sleazy form of advertising, the two main mud slingers seem to be Domino’s Pizza and Home Team Pizza.

The accusations apparently began when Domino’s ran an ad claiming the number one reason to order its pizza was because “We’re not Home Team.”

This prompted Home Team to respond with an ad of its own claiming that it “isn’t a huge national chain serving bland, generic pizza at over-inflated prices.”

But an ad that ran last week really pushes the boundary of good taste. The ad was a cartoon of O.J. Simpson sitting in an electric chair with a caption, “He’s not good enough for Domino’s. Make him eat Home Team.”

To top it all off, the ad ran on same day that Simpson was acquitted.

From a legal standpoint, the ads are protected by the First Amendment, but it’s very sad that two business feel such an urge to spout off against each other in such a manner. Maybe the Daily’s advertising staff should re-evaluate its advertising acceptance policies.

But if these ads are going to continue, we would like to offer a suggestion to these two businesses: If it’s pizzas you are trying to sell, then use your ad space to promote your product.

If you are interested in nothing more than sending personal insults to each other then save yourselves some money and do the Daily’s readers a favor by sending your garbage to each other through the mail.