Miller’s Cheapshots

Scott Wamsley

To the Editor:

I just wanted to say Chris Miller’s CheapSeats story should actually be called CheapShots.

The guy obviously doesn’t know much about college athletics if he believes what he writes. The fact is that college athletes at any level work twice as hard as the normal student. A typical day for an Iowa State football player goes like this.

Classes between 8a.m.-1p.m. Meetings from 2-3:30p.m. Practice from 3:30-6:00. Lift weights from 6-7pm. Training Table form 7-8p.m. Study Table from 8-10p.m. Go to sleep and do it again. What do you do Chris?

Granted, I understand you are busy with your role at the Daily, but come on. You can still manage to get out and have a beer once in a while. What college does for many athletes is give them the opportunity for success in life.

Without athletics, many would not get out of the destructive environments they come from. Not all of us can be “home-grown Iowa scholars” like yourself. And if you look at the typical student, athlete or not, you will find the same percentage of those getting 4.0’s and those hovering around 2.0’s.

My suggestion to you Chris, is before taking CheapShots at the athletes that provide your job, get the facts straight.

Scott Wamsley

Student at large