Visiting teams will feel at home

Matt Downing

Ames and Iowa State University may soon be the top tournament location in the country for teams to visit, thanks in part to a new tournament host hospitality program just launched by the Ames Area Sports Commission.

The new program, which will be in cooperation with the Story County Cyclone Club and the ISU Athletic Department, will involve a member of the Cyclone Club acting as a host for visiting teams to help make their stay at Ames and at ISU an enjoyable one.

“We want to create an element of hospitality so that, win or lose, teams will leave here saying, ‘Hey, this was really a great place to play,” said Executive Director of the Ames Area Sports Commission, Rich Harter.

Hosts will welcome the teams, supply them with information, such as where to eat, and get things for coaches — among other duties.

Feedback for the program was very positive when it was tested during two Cyclone volleyball tournaments in September.

Plans are now underway to provide the service to upcoming winter sports. According to Harter, the program will only be available to ISU varsity and club sports, at least for the time being.

“We may well expand to other age groups,” said Harter. “But initially it’s just for ISU based groups.”

Another role of the program is to give assistance to the Cyclone Athletic Department, since “the work involved with putting on a tournament is so tremendous,” Harter said.

Harter is also optimistic that the volunteer base for the program will grow and that the public will become involved.

“We want to make this a community-wide effort, not just ISU,” Harter said.

Overall the program intends to bring a positive aura to every tournament, the city of Ames and ISU.