Funk and hip-hop fuse at People’s

Scott Andresen

Chucklehead means many things to many people, be it a funny guy, a scary children’s TV show clown or in this case, a funky-hip-hop band from Boston. Chucklehead is more than a band or a funny guy, they’re cigar smokers.

“[In Iowa City] they have really good humidor coolers, the thing they keep cigars in,” said Eben “Eb-tide” Levy, lead guitarist and vocalist. “You feel like a complete white suppressor, like it was 1891.”

Sitting, smoking cigars in Iowa City alongside Levy were fellow bandmates Brian Gottesman on keyboards and vocals; Erik “E-Rock” Attkisson behind the drums; Huck Bennert on the saxophone and percussion along with some more vocals; Meure Statham playing the trombone and additional vocals; and Mick Dempoulos on the bass.

Tonight marks the second appearance of Chucklehead in Ames, playing at People’s Bar and Grill. Although Iowa seems to be a bad joke around the country, Chucklehead enjoys their time here.

“People always say, ‘Doesn’t Iowa suck?’ but we’ve been having fun here,” Levy said. “It’s fun finding out about all these other bands. There’s not much transmigration.”

I’m sure by now, everybody’s saying, “Not another band with ‘head’ in the name.” Well, yes, it’s another band with “head” in the name. “How many goddamn bands are there with the name ‘head’ in it?” Levy questioned. “It’s ridiculous.”

Well, be prepared for another “head band” because Chucklehead preys on college towns. “We work on an academic school year,” Levy said.

They’ve been all over the East Coast and have found out a few things about college students. “MIT kids are total freaks. The thing about it is they’re so f—king smart they’re out of their minds.”

Along with the college thing comes the email thing. “We’re total f—king computer geeks,” Levy said. “I’ve always been computer illiterate,” but not enough to stop him from working on a homepage. Look for Chucklehead on Summit’s homepage at http://www.dmn. com.summit on Netscape.

“I click our album cover [on Netscape] and heard my voice and freaked out,” Levy said. “It’s a weird feeling; foreign technology coupled with my voice, kind of strange.”

Chucklehead is infiltrating the Midwest through technology and touring, in support of their latest CD, Fuzz, released on Summit Records last February.

Their music will be left for the listener to judge. Some say it’s funk, hip-hop, rhythm and blues, rock ‘n’ roll, old funk and jazz. But let the ear decide.

“Funk implies rhythm and blues and rock, but it doesn’t always imply hip-hop,” Levy added.

Imply what you like because Chucklehead likes Iowa, so be sure and show them some hometown Midwestern hospitality.

Local boys 6240 will be opening for Chucklehead. The show starts at 9:30 p.m. and costs $3. An ID is required.