Linksters get fifth

Ryan Harvey

Senior Holly Duncan and the Iowa State women’s golf team finished fifth behind a steady team performance at the Lady Northern Golf Invitational in Bloomington, Ind. this past weekend.

The 15-team tournament featured a 54-hole tournament. The golf course had a par score of 74 strokes.

“This course was one of the worst we have ever played on,” Head Coach Julie Manning said. “The course didn’t have any grass in the fairways, it was almost like playing on a construction site.”

Although disappointed with the outcome, Manning was pleased with the final round.

“We wanted to finish in the top three,” she said. “But we finished just three strokes behind that.”

“Everyone is probably replaying the tournament to see where they could have picked up a shot or two.”

Manning explained the difference in the tournament could have been a slow start.

Duncan shot rounds of 75-82-77 (234) to finish in a tie for 10th with Ohio State golfer Amy Langhals and Wisconsin golfer Rheba Mabie.

The finish put Duncan in the top ten for the third tournament this season.

“She has become our go-to person,” Manning said. “She has had a great fall.”

The Cyclones shot 947 strokes to claim their fifth place finish.

Indiana, the host school, placed four golfers in the top ten. Stacy Quilling, the medalist for the tournament, shot four over par.

Cyclone sophomore Cathy Matthews shot rounds of 78-80-79 (237) to tie for 18th.

“She played really consistent,” Manning said. “If she shoots in the 80s, it is usually one bad hole.”

Senior Beth Bader shot rounds of 80-79-79 (238) to finish in a tie for 24th.

Another Cyclone golfer was sophomore Sara Linneman.

Linneman, who tied for 34th, added rounds of 82-82-78 (242) for the Cyclones.

“I am really happy with Sara’s performance,” Manning said. It is nice to see our sixth player come through.”

Sophomore Fiona Watson shot rounds of 83-78-84 (245) while junior Gwynn Shepherd carded scores of 86-91-79 (256) for the final Cyclone golfers.

Several schools of interest, such as Big Eight competitor Missouri, participated at the Lady Northern.

The Tigers finished sixth in the team title standings.

The University of Iowa was also represented in Bloomington.

The Cyclones continued to outperform the Hawkeyes, as Iowa finished 12th in the team title standings.

ISU has finished ahead of Iowa in all three meetings this fall.

The top four teams in the team title standings were all from the Big Ten.

The Hoosiers took first place with rounds of 307-303-304 (914) to win the team medalist by 25 strokes over Ohio State.

Quilling lead the Hoosiers as the medalist, while Mary Vajgrt tied for third place with rounds of 76-78-74 (228). Erika Wicoff and Erin Carney tied for seventh each with a final card of 231 strokes.

The Buckeyes, lead by third place finisher Jessica Luciuk, posted a team total of 939 strokes.

The University of Michigan took third place in the team standings, following by one stroke was Wisconsin.

The Cyclones will wrap up their fall slate of tournaments when they travel to Tampa, Fla. to participate in the USF/Beacon Woods tournament Oct. 13-15.

“We have notoriously had terrific performance down there,” Manning said. “We want to shoot for our 18-hole record of 301 strokes.”