Domino’s is great!

Stacy Parker

To the Editor:

With all the hype concerning the Domino’s ad and Domino’s in general, I feel it is my duty as an employee to present a few points the general public may not know about Domino’s.

POINT ONE: DOMINO’S DOES NOT CONDONE THE DEATH PENALTY — WE ONLY CONDONE THAT OUR PIZZA IS BETTER THAN HOME TEAM’S. This is supported by the many students who would rather order Domino’s Pizza using Home Team Pizza coupons. Since we accept all competitor coupons, we probably receive more Home Team coupons than Home Team!


As a Manager-In-Training, I see examples every day of how Domino’s, in particular Ray Williams, Jr., supports ISU — from Homecoming to Veishea to the football team. Domino’s also supports volunteers at annual community events, such as the upcoming Trick or Treat. Maybe the Iowa State Daily’s Editorial Board should consider supporting their advertising staff instead of questioning the policies of their fellow employees.

POINT THREE: RAY WILLIAMS, JR. IS JUST A GREAT GUY!! For those of you who do not know him, Ray is very concerned about making his employees happy, including working around employees schedules and caring about how they feel. This desire led him to show the now-infamous O.J. ad to various employees to see if it would offend anyone. The consensus was that it was humorous, not offensive. The ad is NOT meant to be taken in depth, just at face value. To be perfectly honest, Ray is the best employer I’ve ever had!

Stacy Parker


Animal Science