ISU Faculty Women’s Club to present awards to students

Jennifer Johannsen

The Faculty Women’s Club at Iowa State will be presenting awards from $1,500 to $3,000 to ISU female students.

The awards committee is now accepting nominations for the Senior Award, the Pat Miller Award, the International Award and the Mrs. Glenn Murphy Award.

Kitty Lamont, chairwoman for the ISU Faculty Women’s Club Awards Committee said the awards are aimed at seniors and graduate students. She said they were designed to honor older students at ISU.

Application forms are available in the offices of all ISU academic deans and departments. The deadline for applications is Oct. 20, 1995. Each recipient will be notified of her award and invited to a luncheon.

The Senior Award goes to one or more ISU women who has been partially self-supporting, maintained an acceptable, but not necessarily top-ranking, GPA and have contributed to university and/or community life.

Pat Miller Award recipients must meet the same criteria as the Senior Award.

The International Award goes to one or more ISU international women who possess qualities of leadership, character and personality that enable them to the foster the international understanding and to interpret the American way of life. This award is intended to be more of an honor than a grant based on financial need.

The Mrs. Glenn Murphy Award is essentially the same as the International Award. However, this recipient is encouraged to return to her country and work in her academic discipline. The award is not to be given to a student who has received any other ISU Faculty Women’s Club award.

“We are encouraging all women students who meet these criteria to apply,” Lamont said. “We are hoping for a large turn-out of applications.”

Lamont said the Faculty Women’s Club is a way for all ISU women to get together for educational and social purposes.

“Our main goal is to support all women students in education here at ISU,” she said. “All women here at ISU are welcome to attend any of our meetings or gatherings.”