Gen X unite

Mike Tefft

To the Editor:

I’d like to register a big yea and amen to the remarks of The Tattooed Guru concerning the smoozing of the greeks by the ISU administration and the sports department.

Don’t you think it interesting, maybe insulting, that in our “democratic” system that the consistent focus at all levels is on a specific minority voice?

“Why is that?” you might ask. MONEY! The traditional “old boy” system is alive and well at ISU. Our fearless and callous leaders have chosen to kiss the ass of country club row in an ongoing effort to milk mom and pop for mucho dinero!

Curious to me in light of the massive funding for ISU that is pouring in from the coffers of the dorm rats.

“Greed is good,” “Money is our god,” and “We want the buck to stop here,” are the signs that should be emblazoned on administration doors.

Unity is a terrific and powerful force, fellow rats! Unity is also the solution in changing the way that things are always done.

Unity won WWII, ended the madness of the Vietnam war, and could now start a war for justice on a campus level.

Let’s mass together and exorcise the goblins of material accumulation from the halls of Beardshear. For a follow up we could do the same at the sports zone and levitate a cleansed arena and stadium.

Can “Generation X” rise from obscurity and make a powerful statement to ISU and the nation by truly becoming the power generation of the 90’s? I think, YES! Don’t you think that it would be great to see those in the power positions coming around to kiss our asses?

Mike Tefft

