Violence program ends week-long event

Cori Baumer

The YWCA-sponsored “Week Without Violence” wrapped up Friday with a program on violence at Iowa State at the Women’s Center.

“Our goal today is to find out from various groups what they are doing with violence,” said Judy Dolphin, director of the Ames YWCA.

About 25 representatives from organizations including ACCESS, the Department of Public Safety, the Ames Police Department and the athletic department, were present.

Representatives agreed that they need to have a centralized way of communicating in order to effectively work together.

David White, YMCA men’s awareness program coordinator, suggested developing a phone list. He said it could list names of organizations, a contact person and a brief purpose.

Adin Mann, a Men Against Rape and Sexism representative, said one way organizations could better work together would be to refer group members and all students to other organizations.

Mann said every group has a specialty and that by knowing what each group does, leaders can suggest another organization if it would better suit an individual.

Dolphin said the meeting was successful and that more needed to be done in the future to help curb violence.

“We need to have more meetings like this where groups get together and talk,” she said.