Information offered on post-grad education

Rob Daniel

Students interested in graduate school can explore their options today.

The sixth annual Graduate and Professional School Information Day is being held in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The program, sponsored by the Department of Career and Placement Services, may be of benefit to many students.

“It’s an opportunity for the students to explore nationwide,” Beverly Madden, director of career services, said.

Among the many services that will be provided to the 900 students expected to attend are opportunities to talk to graduate program representatives from over 70 universities and professional programs. Loyola University of Chicago’s law school and Creighton University’s business school are just two of the schools sending representatives.

“We really want students to get a feel for the broad diversity of programs,” Madden said.

ISU is the third of 12 stops for the program, which will travel across the Midwest.

Letters were sent out to prospective graduate and professional students across the state. Madden also said the program is a good opportunity for undergraduates to explore graduate and professional programs.

“It’s for students who are considering going to school now or in the future,” she said.