ISU athletes and faculty tune in to trial coverage Tuesday

Jason Howland

The news that O.J. Simpson was found not guilty reached the Iowa State Athletic Department Tuesday, evoking mixed reactions from officials, coaches and players.

Athletic Director Gene Smith, Head Football Coach Dan McCarney, Assistant Coach Jay Norvell and several other members of the ISU athletic staff watched the reading of the verdict over the noon hour on CNN in the Olsen Building Lounge.

Norvell and McCarney sat leaning forward in chairs with their chins resting on their hands directly in front of the large-screen color television at the front of the room. Smith sat farther back.

As the verdict was read, a look of amazement came over everyone in the room. Smith was the first to leave.

“Jesus. It’s unbelievable,” Smith said as he quickly headed to his office.

McCarney and Norvell left together, following Smith.

About an hour later, McCarney said he had mixed feelings about the decision, but he’d rather not comment on those feelings — although he did say he has been following the progress of the trial.

“You can’t help it. It’s just so riveting,” he said. “The top ten directors in the world couldn’t get a better movie script.”

Starting Cyclone quarterback Todd Doxzon was several minutes late for a scheduled press conference at noon in the Olsen building because he was planted in front of a television.

“I was pumped. That’s why I was a little late, because I was sitting there in my apartment with my roommate and we had to check it out first,” Doxzon said.

Doxzon added: “I’m excited. I’m glad he’s free; he’s my boy.”