Basketball lottery helps distribute season tickets

Erin Bresnan

Student season lottery tickets for men’s basketball go on sale this week.

Lottery tickets will be on sale from Oct. 9-13 in the Olsen Building Ticket Office or in the lobby outside of the University Bookstore in the Memorial Union. The tickets are $60 and are good for 12 games. Only eight tickets may be purchased by one person. The lottery tickets must be paid for when purchased, but only the winners’ payments will be processed.

Jeff Shoultz, the program assistant of athletic marketing and promotions, said he feels this is “definitely the fairest way to distribute the tickets.”

Recipients of the season tickets have the advantage of getting different seating for each game. “This way a student doesn’t get stuck in the balcony the whole time,” Shoultz said.

This year 3,800 tickets are available. Shoultz said almost everyone who signed up for the lottery last year received tickets and less than 100 people were turned away. Another sellout is expected this year.

There are 18 home games this year but only 12 games will take place during the time that class is in session. The season tickets are good for these 12 games.

“It’s an outstanding deal,” Shoultz said. “At only five dollars a game it’s almost cheaper than a movie.”

ISU Athletic Ticket Manager Pam Fultz said that from the amount of phone calls received so far this year, the interest in tickets appears to be slightly down.

Fultz encouraged students to purchase the tickets.

“It’s a great place to be during basketball season, Hilton Coliseum,” she said.

Shoultz agreed, “As a past student, going to the basketball games is a great time and a lot of fun. We have a great schedule in the Big Eight Conference, and the Iowa game is at home this year. These things combined will make for an exciting season.”

A list of the winners will be printed in the Daily. Lottery winners will be able to pick up their tickets in the lobby outside of the University Bookstore on Nov. 2.

For more information call the Olsen Building Ticket Office at 294-1816, Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 5:30.