Push on for Rec Milers participants

Kristen Kertz

If you are looking for an incentive to work out, Iowa State’s Recreation Services may have the answer — the Rec Milers Club.

The club, which is open to all faculty, students, staff and spouses, has been in place for about 15 years, said Garry Greenlee, coordinator of Intramural Sports and Fitness Programs.

“It’s a program based on individual drive and desire,” Greenlee said. “You work at your own pace and there’s no competition.”

The program allows individuals to build their own fitness program. Participants can choose activities, such as in-line skating, aerobics, tennis, step machine or even weight lifting. The duration or distance of the activity is then converted to a mileage.

The flexibility of the program is what draws many people to participate, Greenlee said. A participant can miss as many days as they want.

“There’s no one to tell you what to do and when to do it,” Greenlee said.

The program’s main goal is simply to get people to exercise.

“We want to encourage people to participate in an exercise program, no matter what it is,” said Linda Marticke, intramural coordinator.

More than 400 people participated in the program last year.

Those interested can sign up at 107 State Gym. There are no fees.