End Bible “debate”

Nathan Pino

To the Editor:

I am writing to help clear up the “debate” on homosexuality and homosexual rights. I am tired of reading letters that state “I am better than you because I am a Christian” and “I am better than you because I am a real Christian (as opposed to the previous ‘Christian’).” The Bible contradicts itself (it’s not God’s fault), so cut the religious crap. This debate has nothing to do with religion. It is a simple question of ethics.

Homosexuals, like other minorities, do not want special privileges. They want rights. Homosexuals and other minorities are denied equal rights because they are not straight, white males like myself. This is wrong.

Homosexuality is not a measure of morality, competence or anything else that has to do with public life. Those who tell you otherwise have been duped by the dominant group which wishes to keep all of the power it holds.

Non-wealthy whites, homosexuals and other minorities need to realize their common interest, their class interest and fight for equality together against the one percent which controls around 80 percent of the nation’s wealth. Homosexuals and other minorities have been wrongly labeled as a social problem. The dominant group, however, is the real social problem, and like litter, should be put in its place.

Nathan Pino

Graduate Student
