Support the March

Taysir Khatib

To the Editor:

It was disturbing to me to read Tyler Roach’s article about the Million Man March.

It disturbs me to know that there are some people who do not want to understand other people’s problems or concerns, they just continue judging others solely on wrong and falsely assumptions.

On Monday Oct. 16, more than 400,000 from all walks of life and from every state in the country marched to Washington D.C. to voice their deep concerns about what is happening in their communities, and to let everybody to know that they are determined to do something positive about it; and that they are here to look for help from within themselves and their communities to solve their problems, but yet there are some people among us who try to discredit them and their movement.

This some still doubt the marcher’s abilities and resolve. It is an insult to all participants in this march to say that they came to glorify Louis Farrakhan.

It is also an insult to our intelligence to say that these people who marched cannot think or make decisions for themselves.

I believe that all the participants did so because everyone of them believe that they are part of a movement .

Everyone of them came back from this experience with positive attitude toward themselves, their families, and their communities; and this is what counts. Let’s give these people the credit they deserve, let’s not be judgmental.

Let’s support what they marched for, and let’s join hands with everyone and everybody.

That what makes this country great.

Taysir Khatib

Graduate Student

Prof. Studies in Education