No health precautions

Darin Dell

To the Editor:

When I picked up Thursday’s (9/28) Daily and saw the picture of the woman taking blood at the Health Center, I was shocked.

Hasn’t anyone here heard of biohazards and the use of rubber gloves? The woman taking blood in the picture clearly is not wearing rubber gloves. This is a major problem, no matter how often it occurs, because it never should.

One thing is for sure, not all of the bad things I’ve heard about the student Health Center can be wrong. I know I certainly would never go to any health facility where the health care staff does not observe biohazard safety precautions.

Also, I can’t believe no one at the Daily noticed this outrage before it was printed.

The situation not only reflects bad work on behalf of the Health Center but also on behalf of the Daily.

Darin Dell

