Pro-lifers plan to make human chain tomorrow

Laura Baitinger

Pro-life supporters in the Ames area have organized a human chain Wednesday as a part of Respect Life Month activities this month.

The pro-life committee of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in Ames organized the event which will show support for the pro-life movement, said John Donaghy, director of campus ministry.

Activities for Respect Life Month are taking place throughout the country.

Matt Brandenburg, committee member and a junior in biology, said people are invited to walk up and join the chain from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on central campus.

“We hope to show that there are people who are willing to stand up and be counted for the pro-life cause,” Brandenburg said.

This is the second year for the ISU chain. Last year, Brandenburg estimated, the chain reached about two-thirds the way across campus with about 85 participants. This year, he said, the committee hopes to attract more people.

Donaghy said the life chain was an initiative last year from the student pro-life committee.

“This is one of the ways we can make a public witness to the dignity and value of life, especially the unborn,” Donaghy said.

The pro-life committee is placing a half-page advertisement in the Iowa State Daily with the names of local pro-life supporters. The ad will read: “We are committed to the protection of all human life.”

Brandenburg said the people who signed the advertisement oppose the death penalty, euthanasia and abortion. Outside groups have also contributed to the event including the Ames Council of the Knights of Columbus and the Iowa Right to Life Committee.