ISC and Thielen work to raise money for crisis situations

The International Student Council (ISC) will present Tom Thielen, vice president of Student Affairs, with a check for about $5,500 for the International Student Financial Account at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 16 in the Gold Room of the Memorial Union.

The ISC raised the money last year to “help international students with unforeseen crisises” such as family problems and graduation, said Saed Ibsais, president of ISC.

“For every dollar we give the university, they match it with a dollar,” Ibsais said. “We are hoping to double the amount this year.”

International students can apply for the aid by filling out an application at the Office of International Student and Scholars in Room 4 of Hamilton Hall.

The presentation of the check will proceed International Week, Oct. 22-27. The purpose of International Week is to publicize and generate funds for the International Student Financial Account. Among the activities planned for the week is a Global Food Festival, where students from around the world can gather in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union to let students sample authentic cuisines from a variety of countries.

“It is the largest event of the year for ISC,” Ibsais said.