City vehicles dress up for Red Ribbon week

Christopher Clair

City of Ames vehicles are getting dressed up for the 1995 Red Ribbon Celebration.

The week, which symbolizes support for the ongoing battle against drug abuse, will run through Oct. 30.

“We are putting red ribbons around the antennas of our vehicles to show our commitment to fight drug abuse,” said Ames Police Department officer Shawn Phipps.

The show of support began in 1985 following the assassination of Enrique Camarena, a Drug Enforcement Administration agent. He was slain in Mexico by drug dealers.

This is the second year that Ames has participated.

Phipps said along with police cars, vehicles from the Ames Fire Department, Public Works and Cy-Ride would also be donning the ribbons this week. There will be about 185 city vehicles with ribbons.

Everyone is welcome to tie a ribbon to his or her own vehicle, Phipps said.

“Anyone can go and buy some red ribbon for their vehicles,” she said, “or if they want to pick some up here at the police station, we have plenty.”

A similar campaign for drug awareness is in the works for New Year’s Eve, Phipps said. It will focus on educating people about the dangers of drinking and driving.

“There are a lot of other agencies that will be doing things to encourage sobriety around New Year’s, so we’ll have to wait and see what’s out there,” she said.