Oliver! to hit Des Moines

Sarah Wolf

Want a break from studying? Are your roommates hogging the TV? Maybe you should take a short road trip to our state capital for a heart-warming play. The Des Moines Playhouse announced the opening of its 77th season of theater excellence with Oliver!, which starts this weekend.

Oliver! is based on the tale of a young orphan who escapes a harsh turn-of-the-century workhouse. The story follows his adventures through London with a pack o’ pick-pockets until he finally finds a grandparent’s love and care.

The entire cast, including around 30 children, hails from central Iowa. The Playhouse makes sure to utilize local talent.

Knowing that college students are so broke that they think Ramen noodles are gourmet, the Des Moines Playhouse offers a generous discount on all tickets for students with all the right ID.

“[We offer it] just because we know they need a break,” said Deb Ketner, director of administration. “We want them to be able to come to these plays.”

The performance runs from Sept. 8 through Oct. 8; Wednesday through Saturday shows start at 8 p.m.; Sunday matinees start at 2 p.m., except for the show Sept. 10, which starts at 7:30 p.m.

Adult ticket prices for Friday and Saturday shows are $17; tickets for Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday shows are $14. To get your discount, remember to bring your student ID.

Tickets are available at the box office or by phone at the box office at (515) 277-6261.

The Des Moines Playhouse is located at 831 42nd St. For more information, call (515) 277-6261.