Video focuses on women, violence and the media

Crispina Chong

The YWCA will be holding a discussion at 1 p.m. today in Room 244 of the Memorial Union on portrayals of violence against women in the media.

The discussion, which is open to everyone, is in response to the video Dreamworlds II that was shown last week.

Dreamworlds II is a professionally-made video featuring video clips from MTV that demonstrate violence against women, said Judy Dolphin, the YWCA executive director. The clips showed music videos that had imposed the words from the rape scene in the movie The Accused.

“The video graphically conveys the message that watching some music videos are like watching a violent rape,” said Dolphin. “Students have taken a new look at what they’ve been watching. This video makes them stop and think.”

Dolphin cited Calvin Klein as an example of a business that uses sex to sell its products. “The more people are aware of how women have been manipulated by the media, the more unwilling they will be to let this go unnoticed.”