Grant established for graduate students

Daily Staff Reports

Iowa State has received an $800,000 grant to help attract more students from low-income families and under-represented groups pursuing graduate degrees.

The four-year, U.S. Department of Education grant will fund ISU’s new Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program for first-generation, low-income college students or college students from under-represented groups.

Thirty-five sophomores, juniors and seniors will be selected for the program each year, said George Jackson, assistant dean of the ISU Graduate College.

Most of the students will be chosen from ISU, though students at other state colleges and universities and African-American land-grant colleges are eligible.

“Our goal is to increase the enrollment of individuals who are in majors in which low-income students and minorities have been traditionally under-represented in graduate education.

“The McNair scholars will be paired with faculty mentors who will involve the students in research projects and give them an early introduction to the rigors of graduate school. Our ultimate hope is that McNair scholars will go on to earn doctorate degrees and pursue careers as college professors,” Jackson said.

Though ISU is sponsoring the program, McNair scholars can enroll in whatever graduate program in the country they choose.

“The experience the McNair program will provide will make these students extremely attractive to graduate school,” Jackson said.

Students will have an opportunity to participate in summer and academic year internships and research activities that will provide a $2,400 stipend, faculty/staff mentoring, seminars, tutoring and informal monthly social and information sessions.

The McNair scholars will also take a class designed to prepare them for academic success and help them secure financial assistance for graduate school, Jackson said.

“The key to the program’s success will be the faculty mentors,” Jackson said. “Faculty who get involved with a McNair Scholar will have the pleasure of working with a focused, goal-oriented student who values academic achievement and has the desire to succeed.”