POW/MIAs honored

La Tosca Fitzpatrick

The Arnold Air Society has set aside a day to honor service men and women declared prisoners of war or missing in action.

A ceremony in honor of national POW/MIA Day will begin Friday, Sept. 15 at 4:30 p.m. on Iowa State’s central campus. Four ISU graduates, now members of the Iowa Air National Guard, will participate in a fly-by of F-16 bomber planes.

A formal ceremony will take place at 5 p.m. in the Memorial Union’s Campanile Room. There will also be a candle-light ceremony honoring POWs and MIAs with special recognition for former ISU students.

A POW/MIA flag running will be held at 10 a.m. that morning, but it will not be open to the public. Cadets of the ROTC will participate in the flag run, which will start at the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial in Des Moines and end at the fountain outside the Memorial Union.

The activities will help commemorate POW/MIA Day, but event organizers are hoping they will also heighten public awareness of the POWs and MIAs who are still unaccounted for.

“Countries say that there are no more POWs/MIAs, but what we’re looking for is full accountability,” Capt. Terry O. Dickinson of the Arnold Air Society, said.

A table will be set up near the west revolving door of the Memorial Union where POW/MIA bracelets will be on sale for $5. Information about the Arnold Air Society and service people formerly declared as POWs/MIAs will also be available there.