Toons no joke

Dan Mcleran

To the Editor:

I was skimming through the usually humorous and tasteful Toons paper and I came across a cartoon that shocked me. The cartoon was one of Phil Gramm, Newt Gingrich and a couple of other GOP politicians standing around underneath a tree that had a sign on it that read “nigger check point”. Bob Dole was pulling up in a car that had a black man tied to the hood, I guess he was stopping at the check point.

This kind of crap is so typical of the liberal segment of our society. I guess not being prejudiced against whites is the same as being prejudiced against blacks. This cartoon tried to convene the message that being anti-affirmative action is the same thing as being a back-woods redneck who refers to blacks as “niggers.” When in reality neither Phil Gramm, Newt Gingrich nor Bob Dole has ever, to my knowledge, used the term “nigger” as a derogatory name for blacks.

This kind of misrepresentation of people cannot be tolerated. I would urge the corporate and private sponsors of Toons to pull cease sponsoring this kind of rhetoric. I like a good joke as much as the next guy but in this instance Toons has crossed the line between humor and good taste.

Dan McLeran


Chemical Engineering