Breakfast with the President set for Tuesday

The next Breakfast with the President will be Tuesday, Sept. 26. The breakfast begins at 7:30 a.m. in the Memorial Union Regency Room. Breakfast may be purchased in the Commons. Coffee is provided.For reservations, call 4-2042.

College for Seniors begins soon

Classes in the ISU College for Seniors begin Monday, Sept 18 and Tuesday, Sept. 19, and will run for eight weeks. Individuals 55 years or older and retired or semi-retired may enroll. The cost is $40 for the first class and $20 for each additional class. Space is still available in several of the eight classes offered this term. For more information, contact the Retirement Advising Office, 4-3830.

25-Year Club meets soon

ISU employees who have been with the university for at least 25 years or 300 cumulative months as of Dec. 31 are eligible for the ISU 25-Year Club. Newly eligible employees should contact Betty Licht, Retirement Advising Office, 88 Scheman, 4-3830, immediately. New members will be recognized at the annual club banquet next March.

Retirement advising seminar held next Tuesday

A three-part retirement advising seminar begins Tuesday, Sept. 26, from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room. The seminar is aimed at staff and their spouses who plan to retire within a decade.

Part I will cover Social Security, Medicare and dental and medical insurance. Part II will be on Oct. 3 and Part III on Oct. 10.

For more information or to register, contact the Retirement Advising Office, 88 Scheman, 4-3830.

Reiman Gardens plant sale is on Saturday

Gardeners can add a touch of the old Horticulture Garden to their own yards during a garden sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 30, at Reiman Gardens, south of the stadium.

For sale will be iris, lamb’s ear, sedums, ajuga, coreopsis and many other perennials. All plants will be potted or bagged, labeled and suitable for planting.

Money raised by the sale will be used to purchase a permanent labeling system for the plants in the Reiman Gardens.

The Hort Club will sell apples and cider. Reiman Gardens T-shirts and CoHort memberships also will be available. For more information, call 4-2710.

English conversation partners needed

The Office of International Students and Scholars seeks volunteers to serve as English conversation partners in the Conversational English Program (meets for one hour each week) of Friendship Families (meet three times in the semester). For more information, contact Jane Edwards or Swarna Viegas, 4-1120.

Wintersteen named interim director of Ag Extension

Extension entomologist Wendy Wintersteen has been named interim director of ISU Extension to Agriculture. Wintersteen also will serve as interim associate dean for industry programs for the College of Agriculture. She will manage and coordinate a large and multidisciplinary program in agricultural extension.

She succeeds Nolan Hartwig, who became the interim vice provost for ISU Extension on Aug. 1.