RCA passes budget

Julie Kline

The Richardson Court Student Government passed a tentative budget, lowering resident dues by about $1.

The RCA assembly, made up of vice presidents from each floor, passed an amended version of the proposed budget for the 1995-96 school year.

The new budget indicates the student government will have less funding for some of the projects, which had already been planned.

“The proposed budget will hurt some. We won’t be able to do as much as we had hoped. We’ll just have to make do with what we have,” said Lee Bloome, RCA treasurer and a junior in civil engineering.

The major impact will be on a scheduled leadership conference. Its budget was reduced by 25 percent, from $4,000 to $3,000.

The educational/cultural fund for scholarships, programming and the newspaper fund will also be cut under the new budget. In addition, the fund for intramural expenses including t-shirts, gift certificates and the courtyard carnival was cut from $1,900 to about $1,700.

The Multi-cultural Awareness and Support System (MASS) and discretionary funds each lost $250 as well.

But the total budget reduction, from $35,309 to $32,326, means RCA students will pay less in dues than previously planned. The dues, originally set at $9.08 per resident, will now be $8.02 per resident if the plan is approved at the next meeting, Bloome said.