Cy’s Eyes clan reaches week number three

Hey sports fans, don’t forget to turn in your Cy’s Eyes picks for the week by 3 p.m. today at the Daily office in 108 Hamilton Hall. Remember to include the total points of the ISU-UNLV game.

Jason Howland-Sports Editor


The sports department continues to roll and this is the week that I take a considerable lead over my self-esteemed colleague, Chad Calek. How, you may ask? Because he “freakin sucks!”

Plus, I am way ahead of my preseason pick to kick the Guru’s butt, so I am verrrrryyyy happy.

Iowa State will obliterate, hey I rhymed again! UNLV is no match for the nation’s No. 1 rusher. ISU 50, UNLV 17.

The Buckeyes will continue to move up the poll with a win over Pitt. SMU will beat a Wisconsin team that couldn’t even win against Stanford. Northwestern is at home over Air Force.

The big game between Texas A&M and Colorado will be a blowout in Boulder. The Aggies will win big and take over the No. 2 spot in the nation. Arizona will come back to beat USC, the Irish will win one for Lou and the Ducks loooossseee! Please.

Chad Calek-Asst Sports Editor


Yes, Mr. Howland and I are still in the lead. What else did you expect? So here are my picks for this week.

Ohio State over Pittsburgh. Too easy. Northwestern over Air Force. Upset will happen, trust me on this one. Colorado at home over Texas A & M. The only difference will be home field advantage. USC cracks the Arizona defense to squeeze by. Notre Dame plays tough at home to edge Texas. The Ducks, Baby! Those damn geese proved me wrong last week. How can you ever bet against Daffy and Co. again. Ducks over Stanford.

And now to the best game of the week. Iowa State 56, UNLV 17. There is only one reason that we’ll blow out the Rebels. They suck poo poo! Enough said. See you there.

Roger Ossian-T-Galaxy


Well, the stinkin’ Hawkeyes got lucky again! There’s always next year, Beware Hayden Boy.

The ‘Clones will rebound this week and dismantle the Rebels. UNLV will not be used to the cold and will turn blue before halftime. ISU will recover five fumbles and roll to a huge victory. ISU 52, UNLV 6.

Other games of no importance: Ohio St., Wisconsin, Northwestern, Colorado, Arizona, Notre Dame and Oregon.

Cy-ISU tornadobird


My record may not be that great this far in the season, but at least I’m doing better than the Guru.

As for this week’s games, look for Troy Davis and Ed Williams to be too much for the Runnin’ Rebels in a 45-7 cakewalk for the Cyclones.

Even in an off season, Cy would never pick against the Fighting Irish. Look for Notre Dame to lasso the Longhorns 28-14.

A&M will beat Colorado 27-10. Leeland McElroy will win a Heisman on this game alone.

Stanford will duck from Oregon. Oregon by a score of 14-11.

Pittsburgh will hang with Ohio State all the way up to fourth quarter, but will still lose by four touchdowns.

USC will be too much for Arizona, Air Force will trounce Northwestern and Wisconsin will surv ive a close game with Wisconsin.

Tattooed Guru-Boogie Man


Another week, another drubbing, at least that’s what it seems like. Although, I’m bound to win more than four, dammit. Here’s the picks, so listen up.

Iowa State will beat UNLV pretty handily as Troy Davis rushes for another 200-yard game. Whatta man. ‘Clones 38-UNLV 17.

Ahh Notre Dame. I will never pick the freakin’ Irish to win anything, so Texas 21-ND 17. Ha! Ohio State over Pitt. Without a Marino or a Dorsett, Pitt is in trouble. OSU 28-Pitt 12. SMU over Wisconsin. Again, without McCarney the Badgers’ defense is nothing. The Mustangs 35-Badgers 28. In other Big Ten action, Northwestern will rebound from their fluke loss to Miami (Ohio) and beat a tough Air Force team, 24-13.

In an easy pick, Colorado over Texas A&M. Koy Detmer will prove he’s better than Ty and lead the Buffaloes to a 42-28 win. Arizona over USC in a close one 17-14. Stanford over those damn Ducks of Oregon 14-10 in a rubber ducky squeaker. See ya’.