Lies in the classroom

Tom Soppe

To the Editor:

Jerry Natolicky’s letter showed that he is in violation of God’s demands and is guilty of immoral behavior by lying and spreading misinformation about gay people and by misrepresenting God’s view on gay people, which is that we are fine the way we are.

Why else would he/she have made us this way? Both homosexuality and heterosexuality taught in schools as equally normal. To teach otherwise is to force religiously biased teaching in schools and, like creationism, should not be allowed.

God opposes lying, according to the Ten Commandments in the Bible.

When I was in fifth grade in Mason City, we watched a film in sex education where we were informed that we would all start being sexually attracted to the opposite sex pretty soon.

The next year I found out they had lied to me, because something different happened inside of me. My life was a closeted hell for several years afterwards.

This was not because of me, but because of when schools lie to their students and support teaching about homosexuality as well as heterosexuality.

Tom Soppe

Iowa City, IA