Police up patrols this weekend

Jennifer Holland

All party people should be warned of the increased law enforcement that will be patrolling this weekend in Story County.

Officials said that the Iowa State-Iowa football game greatly increases the amount of traffic on the roadways and increases the potential of alcohol impaired drivers. The Story County Law Enforcement Agencies will initiate Operation Score by placing more police officers out on the streets.

The project will run Sept. 15 through the 17th.

“The goal is to increase awareness coupled with strong interference to make the roadway safer,” said Story County Sheriff Paul Fitzgerald.

This is a county wide operation, Fitzgerald said. Iowa State’s Department of Public Safety and the Ames, Nevada and Huxley Police Departments will all participate.

The operation expanded and invited the Highway Patrol, which will have extra troopers out, he added.

The DPS will be looking for traffic related offenses and concentrating on alcohol offenses this weekend, said DPS Captain Rob Bowers.

“The primary population here is ‘youth’ (under the age of 24). With this age group there is a higher amount of incidents of alcohol related crashes and fatalities,” Bowers said.

“We are not looking to put a damper on people’s fun this football weekend, but we want to ensure their safety. If they drink, do so responsibly. Don’t drink and drive.

“Those who do choose to drink and get behind the wheel need to be careful not only because of the accidents they can cause, but we will be out in greater numbers,” Fitzgerald said.