Real Nebraska fan

Andrew Piester

To the Editor:

Having been born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska, I have become a great Nebraska football fan. I’ve grown up watching people like Turner Gill, Mike Rozier, Irving Fryar, Tom Rathman, Roger Craig, Dave Remmington and, oh yes, Cory Schlesinger. As a little kid, I went to Nebraska games with my Grandpa or dad, creating everlasting and meaningful memories, a loyaslty to the team, along with the coach. Now being a Nebraska fan going to Iowa State, I expect some ridicule, but in the past week the Daily has gone too far insulting the Nebraska football team, the fans and Tom Osborne.

Granted, some of the Huskers have had recent problems with the law, which is, by the way, on their own time. Lawrence Phillips broke the law and got suspended from the team. His attitude is not needed at Nebraska, and not too many will miss him. Riley Washington has not been proven guilty, and has a very strong case. These incidents cannot be in any way tied to Osborne, like many people are trying to do.

The fans of Nebraska football are Nebraska fans all the wy; is it wrong that they show their support? I don’t care if they just wear a Nebraska T-Dieshirt, or put a suction cup Herbie in their car. I don’t care if they’re from a “city” with “a population But when you cross that state line again, you better be ready to handle that support.

Finally we cpme to Tom Osborne. I have been annoyed all week about allegations that Osborne is somehow to blame for the crimes of his players. This annoyance turned into anger when I saw the editorial’s title, “Osborne a bad example.” Osborne is known for being trustworthy, huimble, moral, mild-mannered and respectful. In no way is he a bad example. Injured ISU football player Mike Vermeer states that, “Osborne is great coach, not only because of his winning record, but because of his good ethics.” You talked about him being upset with some cartoons. Have you ever seen the cartoon in qustion? I gather you haven’t. If you were a coach and your university printed some incredibly offensive material about you and your team, would you not be upset? Would you still welcome the reporters to your practice? As far as your statement about Osborne not talking to your reporters, I don’t blame him. Right now there are thousands of blood-hungry reporters, like yourself, trying to get dirt on Osborne. Anything he says will be quoted out of context, or plainly misquoted.

So I say shame! Shame on you, Daily! Maybe you should pay more attention to Osborne, and maybe learn something.

Andrew Piester

