Stay out of Bosnia

Joshua W. Montgomery

To the Editor:

I am forced to disagree with your editorial “Quick end to Bosnian War” which states that sometimes violence “is the only option that can lead to peace.”

If one were to follow that rationale to its fullest end, then we should nuke Serbia because they are the aggressors as Eisenhower wanted to nuke Korea in the ’50s.

Does anybody else remember a U.N. action in a small country in southeast Asia? A little country called Vietnam? Haven’t we learned our lesson? To stay out of the internal affairs of other nations. Especially Europe!

Have we all completely forgotten our history classes? Sarajevo was the place Arch-Duke Ferdinand was assassinated, causing World War I, the war to end all wars.

Clinton’s new policy is, as Bob Dole says, too little too late. The atrocities have already been committed.

It is hypocritical for Slick Willie Clinton, a draft dodging pot smoking hippy to commit U.S. troops to another nation to fight an unwinnable guerrilla war. We can drop as many bombs as we want on Serbia and not make a difference. After all, we dropped more on North Vietnam than have ever been dropped anywhere else in history!

Not only are we committing troops for the present day, we are committing to arming the Bosnians much as we armed Israel in 1948. This has since caused huge problems in the Middle East for the U.S.

We also continue to give Israel $3 million a day in foreign aid. Are we going to do the same for Bosnia?

Stay out of Bosnia. I don’t want to pay for a foreign war. I don’t want to risk Russia taking Serbia’s side (as they did in 1917) and I don’t want to lose American troops on foreign soil.

Joshua W. Montgomery
Aerospace Engineering