CBS got just desserts

To the Editor:

It’s hard to feel sorry for CBS’ plummeting profits, or wish they had a more “level playing field” when one cannot enter their store without the assumption being made that you will steal goods given the opportunity.

They have enacted policies and a management attitude that is belligerent to the student community that they so ardently demand be allowed on their field, and continue to pour money into salaries for “bag takers” (so we don’t fill our bags with their merchandise, and sneak out the lone front door in front of all the registers).

If they would adjust their attitudes and make the CBS an enjoyable and welcoming place to shop, it would certainly strengthen their competitive position.

To give closure and substance to our message, we must relate the incident occurring on or about Tuesday, August 22nd. A man attempting to make an exchange of old ISU logo clothing for a new, “tougher” logo clothing was treated with utter disrespect and contempt by a member of the CBS management team throughout his calm and reasonable discussion.

The management team member became belligerent and rude, and the incident ended with the customer leaving and the management person bidding a fond farewell of, “YEAH, WELL YOU’RE A PRICK.”

As observers of this incident (which prompted me to return books to a shelf and go to UBS to put in a special order for them), we can only say to CBS, you have brought any loss in sales upon yourselves due to your asinine policies and terrible attitude, and regardless of whether ISU will allow you the same charge privileges, it is what you deserve.

Perhaps someone in the business or management department would be willing to work with your management team to help you get your act together, and if so, you may want to let them bring their bags in with them.

Josh Johanningmeier
Graduate Student, Political Science
Paul Dosch
Graduate Student, Political Science

Donald L. Leopard III
Graduate Student, Political Science