ISU Parking study overdue

Editorial Board

Next week, Iowa State officials plan to study the campus’ inadequate parking needs. Students and staff alike are muttering aloud, “Well, finally! It’s about time.”

It’s been no secret that parking is continually a major headache on this campus. To be sure, one needs to look no further than their windshield, which, more often than not, tends to be decorated with gifts from DPS.

The planned survey and series of focus group sessions that will begin to address ISU’s parking problem is long overdue.

While the problem may indeed be difficult to solve, it’s both surprising and disturbing to find that university officials have waited so long to publicly acknowledge it.

The campus community has been angrily expressing its discontent for quite some time.

The fact that some attention is now being paid to the situation is not earth-shaking news.

Nevertheless, it is encouraging. Hopefully, next week’s study will bring to the forefront just as many constructive ideas as it will critical comments.

Please take time to voice your concerns if you’d like parking conditions to improve.

Otherwise, you can most assuredly continue to find more annoying white paper stuck to your window.