Save library

Dave Wedemeyer

To the Editor:

I read with horror the article concerning the possible closing and/or moving and/or reduction in size of the Browsing Library in the Memorial Union. While a student at Iowa State I worked at the Browsing Library, and served on the Student Union Board, and was the chair of the Browsing Library and Fine Arts Committee. I cannot believe that such an option would even be considered. The Browsing Library is too special to be replaced by cluttered student offices. Having served on the S.U.B. committee that allocated student offices, I remember how office space was at a premium within the Union, and is probably more so now. But the Browsing Library should be considered as special and irreplaceable as the Gold Star Hall. The Browsing Library was always considered one of Iowa State’s best kept secrets, and the patrons of the B.L. liked it that way. But now I fear its secret may become its ruin. I only hope there are enough students who use and appreciate the B.L. to make their voices of protest heard. I know that when this alum returns for a visit he will be very disappointed if he can’t find the Browsing Library.

Dave Wedemeyer
ISU alum, ’87