The Monkey is back

Erin Getty

Looking for a good laugh? Looking for some entertainment? Well, hold onto your horses, or should I say monkeys, because the Mighty Monkey Power Hour is ready to roll.

This evening at 9:00 p.m. CST Mighty Monkey Power Hour returns full force at the M-Shop.

For those of you who are unaware of what Mighty Monkey Power Hour is all about, it is a remedy of comedy skits. According to Matt McLarty, the Godfather of M.M.P.H., “We’re better than Saturday Night Live!”

M.M.P.H. began last fall and was excellent. It came to be when McLarty saw there was a need for something different. And, that something different turned out to be a handful of guys turning outrageous comedy skits into the real thing.

The name Mighty Monkey Power Hour came about as a mix of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Robert Schuller’s Hour of Power.

“Plus, I’ve always liked the word monkey. You can’t have a bad day with the word monkey,” said McLarty.

With hopes of an excellent year ahead McLarty said, “We will be introducing all new characters. All of the reoccurring characters from last year are currently dead.”

“Even though they’re dead, the new show will hold the same reverence as the past,” said cast member Greg Parks.

Not only are there going to be all new characters, but there are three new cast members joining the crew. McLarty is hoping to expand the crew even more with a bit of feminine touch. A few auditions have taken place, but that decision is still unofficial.

“We probably will start to sell out gas station commercials,” said McLarty. But, in all reality M.M.P.H. is going to start selling their own line of T-shirts.

You may want to purchase a shirt, for this is the last year that M.M.P.H. will grace us with their presence. McLarty feels it will be time to call it quits after this year.

“If we do come back or move on from here it’ll be a complete rip off of this show,” said McLarty.

Although it is not a highly suggested idea, McLarty said,”It helps if you come to the show drunk. Drunks are easier and more fun to entertain.”

That’s up to you to decide. Remember it all starts at 9:00 p.m. tonight at the M-Shop with monkeys on the brain and good laughs.