Ag Day held today

Kathleen Carlson

The first Agronomy Day in 20 years will host about 70 Iowa State research and demonstration projects today.

Agronomy Day activities begin at 9 a.m. and continue until 3 p.m. and are located at the ISU Agronomy and Agricultural Engineering Research Center, 6 miles west of Ames on U.S. Highway 30.

The event is free and open to the public. Lunch is available from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. for $2.

The projects highlight research being conducted at ISU, said Regis Voss, agronomy professor.

There is a tent with more than 30 posters of current plant and soil research programs at ISU, Voss said. Topics include: weed management in conservation tillage systems, transition to no-till and the effects on soil properties, effects of tillage and farming practices on earthworms, sudden death syndrome in soybeans, biological control of forage pests, buffer strips to reduce herbicide movement and precision farming using satellites and other technology.

There are 13 ISU displays and 19 commercial displays located in the main tent where faculty and staff from several departments will be on hand to answer questions and explain their demonstrations. These departments include: Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Botany, Plant Pathology and Entomology.

There will also be scientists from the U.S. Department of Agriculture/Agriculture Research Service available to answer questions and to explain their demonstrations.

Five tours will be given throughout the day