Cyclones victorious

Editorial Board

Congratulations are in order for Dan McCarney & Co. after last Thursday’s 36-21 win over Ohio University. Sophomore Troy Davis’ school-record 291-yard performance on the ground was nothing short of spectacular as the Cyclones chalked up a victory for the first time in 13 games.

The game wasn’t phenomenal and the competition wasn’t Florida State caliber, but it was great to see Iowa State fans excited about Cyclone football. Enthusiasm has been absent at Cyclone Stadium for too long.

The game, between the only two teams in the nation that didn’t come up with a win last season, was touted as the 0-Fer Bowl, the Donut Bowl, the Toilet Bowl and the Defeated Bowl. The “battle for the bottom,” however, had a little more meaning for ISU fans.

The victory gave Cyclone supporters a glimmer of hope that more of those elusive wins may be somewhere on the horizon.

But, as McCarney has said repeatedly, the success or failure of the football team depends in large part on the student body. Students must continue to support Cyclone football, win or lose, in the rebuilding years to come.

Taking down the north goal post after the game was a good first step. It showed the nation that pride in athletic accomplishments isn’t alien to Ames.