College for Seniors preparing for class

Jeff J. Craigmile

The first day of school is just around the corner for retirees enrolled in Iowa State’s College for Seniors program.

Ann Molison, retirement adviser for ISU, said: “Retirees love to learn.” She said the university is offering courses to facilitate continued education after retirement. Classes are open to retired or semi-retired people 55 or older.

The College for Seniors program has courses in history, literature of the Bible, China: traditions and transformations, geriatric medicine and adventures in listening.

Classes run for eight weeks starting Sept. 18 and 19. Classes meet for about 90 minutes each week.

A convocation will be held on Sept. 11 in the Scheman Continuing Education Building at 2 p.m. The assembly is primarily for those enrolled, but is open to the public.

Molison said refreshments will be served and instructors will be on hand to introduce themselves and their courses. He said students will be able to register for classes at the convocation.

The registration deadline was Sept. 1, but Molison said students can enroll up to the day classes begin.

Molison said students will not take tests and will not have to write papers or turn in homework. A text may be suggested, but Molison said all homework is voluntary. Credits earned in College for Seniors classes cannot be applied toward a degree.

Classes will be taught by ISU instructors, retired ISU instructors and retired members of the Ames community.

Molison said classes are inexpensive; $40 for the first course and $20 for each additional course.

Classes are typically filled, even with a 40-student capacity. The program was started during fall semester of 1993.