“Homophobic” misconceptions

Jerry Netolicky

To the Editor:

I am writing in response to Aaron Barstow’s (the bi-weekly, bi-sexual columnist from Cape Cod) “Homophobics Suffer From a Sad Illness.”

I would like to clear up some of his misconceptions.

Aaron said that he’s “… totally over people who keep pulling out their … Bibles … to stress the evilness of a queer existence and justify their homophobia … there is no backbone in their words.”

These words that he claims have no backbone belong to God.

Aaron’s problem is with God, not with the people that told him what God said concerning his queer lifestyle.

He refers to homophobia as a mental illness. This is according to who, Dr. Aaron Barstow, the bisexual? Homophobia … is this a fear of homosexuals?

According to the dictionary a phobia is a persistent and irrational morbid fear. With the true definition, I don’t know anybody that is homophobic, but it is a very effective and colorful tool. Labeling people as fearing something only because they disagree with you means you lack anything of any intellectual substance to respond with.

Aaron said that “We members of the queer community are being oppressed … many people refuse to listen …”

The truth is they are not oppressed. The queer community is not only coming out of the closet and writing columns, but parading in the streets, and their sexual practices are being taught in many schools as normal behavior.

It is also not true that many people refuse to listen. They have listened, they just don’t agree (that’s when they get THE LABEL … homophobic).

Aaron says that “a large heterosexual group has control over how we are portrayed … I suggest that you do not invent what you think a ‘queer’ is and what he or she might be doing tonight.”

I saw footage of the gay parade in Washington D.C. I know how they dressed and acted. Nobody has to invent anything. You don’t have to be gay to figure out what goes on in their bedrooms. How gays are portrayed has nothing to do with any large heterosexual group. Queers have portrayed themselves as they are and only have themselves to blame.

I think Aaron summed things up pretty well when he said that if we all held “… the same values … it would be a nice … world, but pretty boring …” Translation: (we seem to do this often) he knows what he’s doing isn’t right (nice), but he’s doing it because he wants to (doesn’t want to be bored).

I wish he would have stated that from the beginning and left out all of the “stories.” (This is only a few of them.)

Unfortunately Aaron is not alone. Others also ” … exchange the truth for a lie … and the truth is not in them.” Romans 1:25 and 1 John 1:8.

Isn’t it ironic that those that fight the Scripture so intently … are the very ones that are fulfilling it?

Jerry Netolicky