Osborne a bad example

Editorial Board

Recent incidents in Lincoln, Neb., are startling. And no, it doesn’t involve Cornhusker football rankings or who was kicked off the team.

It involves the stifling of a newspaper by a coach who apparently views himself as the supreme ruler of Nebraska football country.

Last week, Head Coach Tom Osborne, banned the University of Nebraska student newspaper, the Daily Nebraskan from attending football practices. Osborne was upset over two editorial cartoons that didn’t have a favorable slant toward the football team. Later in the week, Osborne allowed reporters back into practice, but to date, he has still refused to speak to them.

No one will argue that Osborne isn’t a great coach, and no one will argue that Nebraska fans aren’t loyal to their team. But does Osborne actually think that he and his squad are above criticism? Winning a national championship has apparently affected Osborne’s brain.

What he has basically done is hurt himself. By ignoring the Daily Nebraskan Osborne has cut off his greatest communication link with his most loyal fans — the Nebraska students. Not to mention he has quit giving information to the fifth largest newspaper in the state.

It’s a pity that Osborne views himself with so high a regard that he can’t fathom even the slightest criticism. And it’s also a shame for him that aside from Lincoln and a 50 mile radius around the city, the rest of the country doesn’t live in his little world.

What an ugly example he has set for his team, his university and his fans.

Osborne may be a leader of men, but he still has a lot of growing up to do.