Crime rocks nursery rhyme at the Ingersoll

J. Ranae Ragee

Why was that big, bad wolf so into house demolition? Why did the chick with the long golden locks have to go messing up those poor bears’ house? Well, these questions and more can be answered when the Ingersoll Children’s Theatre production of Triple Crime Nursery Rhyme—Bears, Pigs, and Billy Goats Gruff starts.

The production will be performed every Saturday, from Sept. 9 through Oct. 14.

“It’s the kind of show that has appeal for adults and children,” said Scott Kees, director of marketing. “It yanks all your preconceived notions of how a fairy tale goes.”

This play ties together many of the popular fairy tales and explores the side of the stories left unturned in conventional nursery rhymes.

A Sherlock Holmes-type of police inspector weaves his way in and out of the various tales, answering questions, exploring motives and gathering the whole truth about the various characters’ stories.

The cast of the familiar characters, paired with the inspector and the play’s interaction with the audience, makes for a fun time for all involved, especially the children.

“We’ve got some really fun things going on,” said Barb Merrill, director of Triple Crime. “The cast is fabulous and the costumes are really good.”

While Merrill has been a part of the Ingersoll Dinner Theatre for about 20 years, this is her directing debut. “I’m very excited about Triple Crime Nursery Rhyme— Bears, Pigs and Billy Goats Gruff,” Merrill said. “All of my acting and stage experience is coming into play with this debut.”

Doors open for a children’s style meal at 11:00 a.m., followed by the performance at noon.

Tickets to the event are $7.95. Ice-cream sundaes will be available. Those interested in reservations should call 274-4686.

“If you or your kids love classics like Goldilocks, The Three Bears, The Three Pigs and so on,” Merrill said, “this play is a perfect match.”