Forget the goal posts, go for the turf!

Chad Calek

Ohhh the beauty of a good ole’ fashioned butt kickin’. It’s been a long time since Iowa State beat the living crap out of team, and I loved every second of it.

The only downer is that our man Todd Doxzon hurt his ankle again. Get well soon Todd, we need you back, pal.

Troy Davis was nothing short of spectacular, as expected. But wait a minute, who is that second string back? Graston Norris — getting in on the action as well. Congratulations to Graston on that nice little 91-yard touchdown.

ISU also showcased the Big Eight’s best kept secret; Jahi Arnold. That’s right! Jahi Arnold — looking tough as nails!

Before I look forward to the Oklahoma matchup, I would like to send a shot out to those 200 crazy Cyclone fans who took to the field in celebration of the ISU victory, only to get stopped by security. I liked the circular approach. Ingenuity fellas, looked good.

Remember this. We cannot allow 200 crazy ‘Clone fans to fall slave to the blades of 30 armed guards. They may have stopped us this time, but the Sooners come to town in two weeks. I’ll call Madam LaVerne and tell her we’re coming.

So I pondered for a while. What can we do about those guards? I came up with two solutions. First, we can all unite as a student body in honor of our team, and tear those puppies down. I figure all we need is a thousand students.

The second idea gets even better. I have a new plan, spawned by a certain public servant — you know who you are. I see now that enough security can be hired to throw a ratchet in the spokes of a goal post celebration.

But I propose this question. Can they hire enough security to protect the turf?

A ha! TEAR THE DAMN FIELD UP! It sucks anyway. I’m tired of watching our beloved team slip and wax their butt everytime they try to cut up the field. We would be doing the athletic department a favor getting rid of that repugnant, moss green crap.

Think about it. In every single game that we’ve seen, Jack Trice has racked up about 13 tackles. That’s poor.

Another idea popped into my scheming little head. I hate our school’s fight song. Most of the student body can’t even tell you the words. My solution? You guessed it. I’ll write a new fight song that we all can sing.

I like to call this little piece “Ode to Cy,” by Chad Micheal Calek.

OHHHHH Cheer, cheer, cheer for Iowa State. We used to suck but now we’re great. McCarney’s finally in, Walden’s gone at last. You think your gonna win, but we’re gonna kick your ass. Sooooooo we’ll drink a lot o’ brew in case we win, and we’ll drink a little more in case we don’t. They think we’re gonna lose, but I know we won’t. Don’t you try to win ’cause we know you suck. And if you think your better we don’t give a (use word of your choice, that’s the beauty of this song.) Soooooo (sing slowly with lighters held high) we’ll fight ’till the end with you. We’ll stay for the whole game through. We’re proud of our school, we’re proud of our team. Thank God for ISU! Thank God for ISU!

Now on to the Oklahoma game. Cyclones 24, Oklahoma 17. Upset is coming, trust me on this one. The Sooners could barely squeeze past North Texas.

I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure the last time I checked North Texas wasn’t even a Division 1 team. This leads me to one word to describe the Sooners this season — overrated.

You can do it fellas! Go get em’. See ya there.

Chad Calek is a sophomore in journalism from Persia, IA. He is the assistant sports editor of the Daily.