Ames lab director chosen

After a national search to find a new Ames Laboratory director, Tom Barton has been chosen to fill the spot, again.

Barton, 54, who held the position for six years before retiring in 1994, is a distinguished professor in chemistry and has been a member of the ISU faculty for 28 years.

Barton showed a desire to return to full-time teaching and research, so ISU officials turned to him as their choice. ISU Provost John Kozak said concerns about the future of the the national laboratory, operated by ISU for the U.S. Department of Energy, spurred university officials to ask Barton to return.

“We obviously needed someone who had considerable experience in the system and could hit the ground running, and we’re extremely pleased that Dr. Barton agreed to return,” Kozak said in a prepared statement.

ISU President Martin Jischke said he is pleased with Barton’s selection.

“A researcher and administrator of Dr. Barton’s stature most certainly enhances our ability to build on the Ames Lab’s strengths,” Jischke said.

Jim Corones, professor of mathematics, has served as interim director of the laboratory. He will return to his post as director of the lab’s applied mathematical sciences program and its environmental technology development program.