‘Cyclone’ nickname 100 years old today

One hundred years ago today, Iowa State athletes were christened the “Cyclones.”

On Sept. 28, 1895, the Iowa Agriculture College (now ISU) football team beat Northwestern 36-0. The next day, a Chicago Tribune headline announced: “Iowa Cyclone Devastates Northwestern, 36-0.”

The sportswriter reported, “Northwestern might as well have tried to play football with an Iowa Cyclone as with the Iowa team it met yesterday. At the end of 50 minutes’ play, the big husky farmers from Iowa’s Agricultural College had rolled up 36 points, while the 14 yard line was the nearest Northwestern got to Iowa’s goal,” according to ISU Historian Earle D. Ross in his 1943 book, History of Iowa State College.

Dan Etler, a senior in finance, is credited with reminding ISU officials of the anniversary.

“I didn’t expect to get credit for it,” Etler said. He said he noticed the anniversary in the football media guide.

“I’m a big Cyclone fan, and I get into the history side of it too,” Etler added.