ethos poll not fair

Ken Toft

To The Editor:

I was recently horrified to discover that a rumored poll, which I believed to be biased, actually made its way to the printing press.

The article I speak of is titled “The Best in Ames and Iowa State” in the September 1995 issue of ethos magazine. Earlier this year, I had heard the results of that same poll, which I had assumed would not be published.

This I assumed because the band voted best punk band in Ames, at the time I had found out the results of the poll, had yet to play a show in Ames or anywhere else.

I was just wondering how a band who had not yet recorded any of their music or played any shows could have contended against, say, Total Passover, who have two albums recorded and released and who have played quite a few shows.

Consequently, I do not feel that the poll was impartial in its representation of what people in Ames, or Iowa State, like. Therefore, it cannot be “a good representation of who and what is most liked around Iowa State and Ames.”

Ken Toft
Ames resident