Barstow betrays his core audience

Ryan M. Tow

To The Editor:

Congratulations, Aaron! You have done it.

While trying to explain your point of view and open the minds of your readers, you have shown just how closed your own mind is. You have successfully offended and hurt someone in your audience.

You say “The Bible is nothing more than an enormous crutch for those who are too scared to make their own decisions and form their own thoughts.”

I say you don’t have a clue what you are talking about. I am fully capable of forming my own ideas. I chose to be where I am now. I can assure you it was a decision that entailed a significant amount of independent thinking.

How dare you classify me as a bigot or a homophobe just because I follow Jesus Christ? The Bible is not a crutch, it is a forever true, historically accurate word from God that has changed this world forever.

The Bible’s main point is love. Jesus commanded us to love everyone equally. Just because someone feels what you are doing is morally wrong doesn’t mean they are incapable of treating you fairly.

You call my “obsession” with Jesus Christ “sickening.” However, aren’t you the one criticizing others for placing the same adjectives on your lifestyle?

You come across as someone who can talk the talk when it comes to treating everyone equally, but is there anything to back it up? Can you grant me the same respect I grant you? What if I’m wearing a shirt that says “Christian”? Will you still respect me then?

I will not back down. No way. I am not “justifying my fears” with my Bible. Who said I was afraid? I am not afraid a group of homosexuals is going to jump me at night. I’m not stressed at the possibility of another man coming on to me.

I know who I am. Do you know who you are? You suggest that I should “not invent what you think a ‘queer’ is and what he or she might be doing tonight. “

Well Aaron, I suggest that you not invent what a Christian is based on what you’ve heard. Get to know us. You’ll find we’re not that much different than you.

Ryan M. Tow
Landscape Architecture