O.J. and capitalism

Melissa R. Hill

To the Editor:

In regard to April Samp’s September 7th article, “O.J. Simpson cashes in on justice system…”

Excuse me, did I miss something? Surely O.J. wasn’t convicted of double homicide without the rest of society aware of it!

I found many statements in the piece asserting that O.J. is indeed guilty. And while it may be Miss Samp’s opinion that he IS guilty, there are still many of us who believe O.J. is NOT a vicious murderer.

And as for “The Juice cashing in” on his trial, “I Want to Tell YOU,” welcome to capitalism. If O.J. can make a buck or two from this trial, then more power to him. If you were facing millions of dollars worth of lawyer fees at the end of all this chaos, wouldn’t you welcome the extra cash flow coming into the ol’ pocket?

Besides, where in the Rule Book of Capitalism does it state, “A person on trial for a crime is forbidden to make a living”? Nowhere. Do you know why? Because there IS no Rule Book for Capitalism.

If you make a buck, it’s yours (and the government’s after taxes). And nobody has any reason to bitch and moan about anyone else’s method of income or profit.

And why should they? ‘Tis the Land of the Free, my fellow patriot(s), and people will spend their hard-earned money on whatever they please.

So don’t go accusing O.J. of “buying his way to freedom;” it’s the inhabitants of this American “land of milk and honey” (and O.J.) that are choosing to keep the capitalistic economy fortified with subsidies for Simpson.

It’s bad enough that this whole double murder incident had to happen, where deeper messages than domestic violence (such as racism and bigotry) had to make its mark on “the trial of the century.” O.J. (or anyone else, for that matter,) doesn’t need you criticizing every move he makes.

Melissa R. Hill
Animal Ecology